Widex Zen Therapy consists of four components that can be tailored to your individually needs. Counseling: Provides you with information relevant to you and your tinnitus in order to help you change the negative interpretation of tinnitus. Amplification: Many of those who suffer from tinnitus also have hearing loss. Amplification can be used to stimulate the ears and brain to reduce the contrast between the surrounding sounds and the tinnitus. Hearing aids can be very effective in decreasing the perception of tinnitus.

Widex Zen Therapy consists of four components that can be tailored to your individually needs.


Provides you with information relevant to you and your tinnitus in order to help you change the negative interpretation of tinnitus.

Amplification: Many of those who suffer from tinnitus also have hearing loss. Amplification can be used to stimulate the ears and brain to reduce the contrast between the surrounding sounds and the tinnitus. Hearing aids can be very effective in decreasing the perception of tinnitus.

Та худалдан авалт хийхийн өмнө манай үйлчилгээний нөхцөлтэй танилцана уу
Манай үйлчилгээний нөхцөлийг хүндэтгэсэн танд баярлалаа.